IDVA – Elderly victim of DA
Cyril is 72years, married for 52 years, all of which were abusive, Woman’s husband had ill health and mobility issues, Woman thought because of this no one would believe her, She was not aware of any support she could access over the years, She approached her local housing association to get her own property supported by a younger family member.
She was then signposted to the Domestic Abuse Team, She felt at 72 she could no longer live with the Abuse, some of the Abuse was physical however the physical abuse was mainly in their younger years witnessed by their 4 children, 3 of whom no longer visit the property and haven’t done since leaving.
- Woman was surprised that there was options for her at this time. Options to inform Police of the abuse and to gain support from the Domestic Abuse Team.
- Merit completed Woman Score 154 Gold. Referred to MARAC and received IDVA support.
- IDVA supported Woman through the Court Process, practical assistance with benefits and emotional support throughout.
Police informed of the last incident, they then went on to arrest her Husband and he was placed on Police Bail and removed from the family home. Several Breaches Several Court Cases and a period in Prison for her Husband, he has eventually realised that the Marriage is over and Woman finally feels safe in her own home.