When you contact us directly, we will be able to offer support based on your circumstances and the level of risk posed to you by the person/s you feel at risk from.
We’ll assess the level of risk by completing a MERIT risk assessment with you or alternatively, if you are referred by another agency, they should have already completed this risk assessment with you.
Depending on the risk level identified, Safe2Speak could offer the following:
One to One Support
The Independent Domestic Abuse Advisor service gives tailored advice and support to high risk victims on a range of areas such as:
The Domestic Abuse Outreach Service offer tailored advice and support to medium and standard risk victims on a range of areas such as:
The only difference between the IDVA and Domestic Abuse Outreach support offer is the representation at St Helens MARAC – only high risk cases are discussed within MARAC.
Refuge Accommodation Service
We can arrange safe, temporary accommodation to all victims of domestic abuse if they are unsafe in their own home or are homeless as a result of domestic abuse. The service is a 24 hour staffed service, 365 days a year.
Where to find us:
Domestic Abuse Services (Outreach & IDVA team) based at – 4 Corporation Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1DL
Domestic Abuse Refuge Accommodation Service – address confidential; only provided to victims who have accepted refuge space following full referral process.
“They were here on time listening to me, non-judgemental, empathetic. I couldn’t have thanked them enough. They stuck to their words”