

Coronavirus – services and keeping you safe

Updated: 14th July 2022

The safety of our customers, residents, staff and contractors remains our top priority , here are some important updates in regards our services:

Torus public receptions

Torus public receptions have now reopened.

Safe2Speak Services

Throughout this pandemic, whether you are self-isolating due to coronavirus and feel at risk from a partner or family member in the home or residing somewhere due to lockdown where you feel at risk of a partner or family member, we are still here to help.

Safe2Speak IDVA & Outreach service are contactable on 01744 743200 each day 9am – 5pm.

Please do NOT leave a voicemail if your call is unanswered. The voicemail service cannot be monitored at this time due to staff working from home.

If your call is unanswered, please call our helpline on 01925 220541. Helpline staff will take your message & pass to the relevant IDVA/Outreach officer. Please provide helpline staff with your name, safe contact number & brief details how we can help/message.

Our 24 hour helpline remains open and you can call us on 01925 220541

Text to access support for Domestic Abuse

If you are not able to call the Safe2Speak helpline, for whatever reason – whether you are deaf, or it is just not safe to do so – then you can now text us to reach out for support.

Please text: 07781472828     

Before you send the text make sure it includes how we can make safe contact with you and provide the safe contact details, such as ‘it is only safe to email me’ and provide the email address.                                                                                    

You will recieve an automated response,: ‘Your concern has been logged and is being processed’

You may wish to delete this automated response for your own safety.

Your text will be picked up Monday to Friday 9-5pm and you will be contacted within 24-48 hours – we can response by text, phone or email, whatever is the safety for you, so make sure you include the relevant information in your text.

As always in an emergency call 999 and if you are unable to speak, press 55 to confirm the call is an emergency.

National online support

If it is not safe to call, please click here for information on accessing support online. 

Safelives have shared a useful guide for anyone experience domestic abuse at this time –click here to access ‘Staying Safe during COVID-19’

Government advice

You can also head to the Government Advice webpage which covers all the guidance and support available, as well as

  • What the signs and symptoms are
  • How the virus spreads
  • How to reduce the risk of contracting the virus
  • Government restrictions introduced from 5th November onwards
  • Financial support

As information about coronavirus is being updated regularly, we advise you to keep a close eye on the Government website for all the latest information.

Please remember if you feel at risk at home due to domestic abuse you are permitted to flee your home address to seek safety and refuge despite lockdown restrictions.

Keep updated

This remains an ever changing situation and we will be updating the website on a regular basis, please keep checking for updates.